Family Wellness Schedule

APRIL 2024

Welcome to your cozy one-stop-shop for all things Family Wellness


PLAYGROUP! kids ages 0-5 (and their adult) — Mondays, 9am-12pm

  • Come any Monday, any time - stay for 5 minutes or 3 hours. Drink some coffee, tea, or water; sit and have some adult convo while the littles play. It’s super cozy and friendly - no judgement, no pressure, no time-outs :)
    $15/drop-in — use promo code firstonefree for (yup, you guessed it!) the first one free

Restorative Yoga - all levels adults (teens welcome, too) — Wednesdays 4-5:30pm

  • A truly relaxing and restorative class designed just for you. Restoring your energy is not a ‘nice to have’ it’s a ‘NEED to have’ - you cannot pour from an empty cup (no matter how hard you try). Let us help you fill your cup - even just once a week might completely change your life. $25/drop-in — taught by Laureen Bina, RYT

Parenting Group - adults with children ages 1-17 - Thursdays 4:30-5:30pm

  • A heart-based, connection-focused group to offer real parenting support and advice based on YOUR real life parenting struggles. You will never hear us recommend time-outs, rewards/consequences, punishments, or fear-based parenting. We take a curious, creative, and connected approach to raising humans and we can’t wait to share that with as many parents as we can! ALL parents welcome - safe space to come as you are. $35/drop-in — led by Heather DiNino, M.Ed, Founding Director

New Parent Support & Education Group - parents of babies (newborn to 12 months old) - Wednesdays 11:15-12:45

COMING SOON — Childbirth Education — Bringing Home Baby — Feeding Your Baby

You might also want to check out upcoming EVENTS - you’re always giving us awesome ideas like Paint Night, Swiftie Extravaganza, Pampered Parents, and Holiday Movie Nights!

Make sure you’re on the email list and keep an eye out for registration! And FILL OUT THIS FORM to let us know what you’d like!